How Many types Of Residences Are There ?

Important Notice: The explanations are for informational purposes only and you can access current and detailed information at


Dear Foreign Health Insurance customers, in order to make life easier for foreign visitors living in Turkey, we continue to share with you legal information about the insurance and residency processes.

In this week's blog post, we will talk about “How Many Types of Residence Permits Are There?” .

There are six various types of residence permits as per Law No. 6458 on Foreigners and International Protection;

●    Short Term Residence Permit

●    Long Term Residence Permit

●    Student Residence Permit

●    Family Residence Permit

●    Humane Residence Permit

●    Residence Permit for Victims of Human Trafficking

Before discussing the different types of permits, let's first look at what a residence permit is.

What is a Residence Permit?

Foreign nationals who wish to live or work in Turkey for a duration of less than ninety days must possess a work or residence permit. If the person does not submit an application for residence after the ninety-day visa period has ended, the permit visa will be broken and they will be in a state of fugitiveness. As a result of this, they may be banned from entering Turkey, fined or deported from the country.

1)   Short Term Residence Permit

Who is eligible for a short term residence permit?

1)   Foreign nationals who will come for scientific research purposes: If a foreign national has a permit for conducting scientific research, they must obtain permission from the institution or organization that will be the subject of the research.

2)   Foreign nationals who own immovable property in Turkey: Foreign nationals who own property in Turkey are required to have a place to live when they apply for a residency permit and utilize their property for that purpose. If they have a shareholding right in the housing, family members may also apply for a residence permit at the same time.

3)   Foreign nationals who will establish a commercial connection or business in Turkey: If any foreign nationals who will do so want to apply for a residence permit, they should bring an invitation letter or other relevant documents from the person or business they plan to establish their business with.

4)   Foreign nationals taking part in the in-service training program: Foreign nationals who plan to take part in Turkey's in-service training program can apply by bringing the required information and documentation from the institution where they will receive training about the training's objectives.

5)   Participants in the student exchange program from abroad: They can provide the necessary data and paperwork from the pertinent institutions or organizations for this purpose.

6)   Foreign nationals who will visit for tourism

7)   Foreign nationals planning to take a Turkish language course: Foreign nationals can be granted this type of residency permit up to two times when they come to Turkey to study Turkish. The residence permit cannot last longer than the course's duration if it is less than a year. The institution providing the course is required to inform the provincial directorate of the most recent details regarding the start and attendance of the foreign person.

8)   Foreigners who will receive treatment in Turkey as long as they don't have any diseases that pose a threat to the general public include: For this purpose, it is checked whether the persons who will apply for a residence permit are accepted in public or private hospitals. If a person brings documentation proving they have paid for all necessary medical care, they are not required to have foreign health insurance.

9)   Foreign nationals who must remain in Turkey as a result of requests or decisions made by judicial or administrative authorities

10) Foreign nationals who will take courses, an internship, a research project, or other activities at a public institution in Turkey

11) Foreigners who have successfully completed higher education in Turkey and who have applied for residency within six months of their graduation date

12) Citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

2) Long Term Residence Permit

Who is eligible to apply for a long-term residence permit?

- Foreign nationals who have resided in Turkey continuously for at least eight years

- Foreigners who meet the requirements established by the Ministry

How much time is the long-term residence period allowed?

Long-term residence permit is issued indefinitely.

What are the requirements for a long-term residence permit application?

- To live in Turkey continuously for at least eight years with a valid residency permit

- Having a valid health insurance

-To have not benefited from social assistance in the previous three years

- To have enough money to support themselves and any family members they may have

- To not pose a threat to public order and safety

3) Student Residence Permit

Who is eligible for student residence permit?

- Foreign nationals who will enroll in a Turkish higher education institution to pursue education at any of the associate, bachelor's, doctorate, and specialization training in medicine or dentistry levels.

What is the maximum duration of a student residence permit?

The student residence permit period cannot be longer than the foreign student's educational period if it is less than a year. Foreign nationals who come to Turkey to study during their educational period as well as public institutions and organizations can be granted residence permits.

4) Family Residence Permit

How many years can a family residence permit be issued?

Family residence permit can be issued for a maximum of three years.

Who is eligible to receive a family residency permit?

Article 28 of the Law No. 5901, which applies to Turkish nationals, foreign nationals with one of the residence permits, or individuals with secondary protection status;

a)    To his foreign wife,

b)   A child of his or her spouse who is not a foreigner

c)    To their own or their spouse's dependent foreign national child

5) Humane Residence Permit

Who is eligible to obtain humanitarian residency?

-In circumstances where the child will significantly benefit,

-When foreign nationals who have been barred from entering Turkey or for whom a deportation decision has been issued are unable to leave the country,

- In unusual circumstances,

. -Foreign nationals who are not deported are not removed from the country,

- while the applicant is being transferred to their first country of asylum or a secure third country,

How long can a humane residence permit be granted for?

The governorships may grant a humanitarian residence permit with the approval of the General Directorate, and this permit may be extended, provided that it is restricted to the time period set forth by the Ministry.

6) Residence Permit for Human Trafficking Victims

Who is eligible to grant residency to a trafficking victim?

This type of residence is given to people who are identified as victims of human trafficking.

How long is the residence of a victim of trafficking regulated?

This type of residence is regulated by the governorships for thirty days. This residence permit may be extended for a total of three years, but only for a maximum of six months each time.

In our article this week, we discussed how many types of residence there are in Turkey and the conditions of these types of residence.

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Address: Nispetiye Mah. Gazi Güçnar Sok. No:4 Kat:4 Ofis No:10 Beşiktaş, Istanbul

Important Note; Carry out all your residence transactions yourself at, the official website of the Republic of Turkey. Avoid sharing your personal information with third parties and intermediaries. Only use the official Göç Daresi website to submit a residence application.

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