
Kasko / Car Insurance

Kasko Insurance Prices 2024
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What is Car Insurance (Kasko) ?

Kasko covers the costs of damage to the vehicle in case of damage and accidents. Thus, it protects the financial budget of the insured against high damage costs. Casco insurance is activated in the following cases.

What are Kasko Coverages and Discounts?

Kasko Insurance Main Coverages

Hit / Collision
In the event of a collision between your vehicle and another vehicle and the vehicle is hit against its will, the insurance covers the damages to the vehicle. In the same condition, if you hit a vehicle or substance against your will, your damage costs are covered by Kasko. Collision coverage protects your vehicle in both moving and stationary conditions.

Fire Damage
Fire damage is a coverage covered by motor insurance. If a cause such as fire occurs in the vehicle and damage occurs, Kasko is activated and covered. This situation may even cause a complete loss of vehicle. By taking out kasko, you can secure your vehicle and your budget for adverse situations such as fire.

Damage to your vehicle may occur if parts of the vehicle are stolen or attempted to be stolen. With the theft coverage in Kasko, you can secure your vehicle and your budget against damages.

Damages caused by persons
Those who have Kasko, damages arising from malicious people are covered by the guarantee. In addition, damages caused by people who do not have the capacity to act are also covered by this coverage.

Kasko Additional Coverages

Damages that may occur in your vehicle due to flooding and flooding are covered by this coverage. You can also take precautions against floods and floods by getting Kasko.

Car insurance policies are mostly valid domestically. However, you can ensure that your policy is insured by adding foreign coverage to your policy. It is not mandatory to add this coverage to Kasko. Optionally, you can get this coverage in addition to your existing insurance policy before travelling.

GLKHH / Terror
When you take out car insurance, you will secure your budget against damages that may occur to your vehicle during strikes, lockouts, malicious public movements (GLKHH) and terrorist incidents.

Earthquake Volcano Eruption
Your vehicle may be damaged due to natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. With this coverage, you can protect your vehicle against damages that may occur.

Landslide, Lightning Strike, Hail, Storm
Your vehicle may be damaged as a result of natural disasters such as landslides, storms, hail and lightning. You can secure your vehicle with landslide, storm, hail and lightning coverage.

Mini Repair
Thanks to the mini repair package, you can have minor damages to your vehicle repaired at no extra cost. Situations where you can benefit from mini repair coverage; paintless body dent correction, painted damaged body dent correction, paint repair, windscreen repair and stain repair.

Lock System
In the event that your car key is lost or stolen, it is imperative to replace the lock ignition set in the vehicle. By taking out Kasko, you can also cover your vehicle for this purpose within the policy limits.

Damage caused by rodents and animals
Rodents or other types of animals can damage your vehicle both internally and externally. You can secure your vehicle against all kinds of damage by taking out Kasko insurance.

Lack of oil, thirst, freezing, deterioration, aging, decay, rusting and neglect
Damage to your vehicle may occur due to dehydration, freezing, lack of oil, defect, aging, decay, rusting or lack of maintenance. You can cover your vehicle with Kasko insurance.

Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Failures, Breakages and Tyre Damages
You may encounter problems such as mechanical, electronic failures, breakages and tyre damages in your vehicle. You can also take precautions against such situations by having Kasko insurance.

Theft as a result of theft of the vehicle key
If your vehicle is seized as a result of extortion or theft, the damages to your vehicle are covered by this coverage. If you wish, you can also add the theft of the car key from home to your insurance policy

Loss of Utilisation and Income
Loss of use and income is a coverage that is only valid for commercial vehicles. When you leave your commercial vehicle to the technical service, you may incur financial loss up to the number of days the vehicle spends in the technical service. With this coverage, the number of days your vehicle spends in the technical service is determined and you are paid by averaging the income you will earn on these days.

Car Towing by Unauthorised Persons
Damage may occur when your vehicle is towed by unauthorised persons. Damages that may occur as a result of the towing of your vehicle are covered by this coverage.

Legally Permitted Flammable and Explosive Substances
When you are going to carry flammable or explosive materials in your vehicle, you must inform the insurance company you are connected to beforehand. If you wish, you can add this coverage, which is valid for commercial vehicles, to your policy and secure your vehicle.

Harm of Cigarettes and Similar Substances
Minor damage such as minor burns may occur as a result of contact of the vehicle with cigarettes and similar substances. Mini damages other than fire are covered by this coverage

Kasko Insurance Special Conditions and Applications

Damage Replacement Addendum
In the event of partial accidents, the sum insured is reduced by the amount of damage compensation to be paid. Thanks to the damage replacement addendum, you will either be paid these reductions in the sum insured or you will not have to pay the premium. In addition, the insurance price before the damage remains valid. The deficiencies in the motor insurance value due to the damage paid are completed up to the price before the damage without premium.

New Value Clause
In the new value clause, the key delivery price on the date of damage payment is recognised in case of total loss damages (popularly called "pert") in the vehicle for which you have Kasko insurance.

No Claim Discount Protection
When you take out Kasko insurance, the damage status of the vehicle is monitored during the insurance policy. In the next policy period, no-claims discount is applied in this way. As long as you maintain the damage-free status of the vehicle, the no-claims discount continues to increase within the framework of the specified rules and limits.

Personal Belongings Protection
When you take out motor insurance for your vehicle, the damage to the belongings of both you and your family members is included in the coverage over the conditions and limits specified in the policy.

Assistance Services
Insurance companies offer assistance services in unexpected situations such as accidents and breakdowns that may occur in your vehicle. Assistance services can be medical coverage, Private Ambulance service or personal accident coverage.

Legal Protection
If you are involved in a legal dispute concerning your vehicle, you will incur costs arising from this. Likewise, possible expenses arising during the resolution of the legal dispute will arise over time. You can also protect these expenses by taking out Kasko insurance.

When the glass of your vehicle is damaged, you can contact your insurance company and carry out replacement and repair operations at the glass services contracted by the insurance company.

Rental Car Service
In the event of an accident that occurs in your vehicle within the limits specified in the insurance policy, you can benefit from the substitute / rental car service.

Incorrect Fuel Filling
When you go to authorised fuel service stations with your vehicle, the pump attendant may give you fuel intentionally or incorrectly. Therefore, you may encounter mechanical damage to your vehicle. In such cases, you can benefit from your coverage according to the scope and conditions of Kasko insurance.

Valuation Reduction
If you are involved in an accident or your vehicle is damaged, the insurance expert will examine it. He will deduct the value of the new parts in your vehicle from the compensation amount to be paid to you after the accident.

How to Buy Kasko Insurance?

You can buy your Kasko insurance quickly over the internet. To get an online car insurance quote, simply enter your Turkish ID, Name, Surname, Vehicle Registration Plate, mobile phone number into the quotation tool above. As soon as possible, our expert customer representative in the field of Kasko will contact you, answer all your questions and offer you the most suitable Kasko plan.

As Enki Insurance, we offer you special product suggestions to make it even easier for you to choose among the Kasko insurance offers.

If you say that price is the only criterion for me without protecting your vehicle with the widest coverage among the offers of contracted insurance companies, you can choose the cheapest car insurance offer. In order to get the car insurance with maximum coverage at the most affordable price, the recommended offer option will be just for you. You can also get a car insurance offer to examine the policies suitable for your needs, and we will send your policy to your e-mail address instantly after your purchase is completed.

What Should be Considered to Make Kasko Insurance?

It is very important to choose a policy for individuals / organisations who want to have a car insurance for the first time or for vehicle owners / organisations whose car insurance is due for renewal. The first criterion to be considered during Kasko insurance is the coverage of the policy. If you choose a policy that covers advantageous coverage such as voluntary financial liability (IMM), no-claim discount protection, substitute vehicle, original glass replacement, service validity, the quality of service you receive in case of damage will be strong and you will protect yourself from serious costs. Another important criterion is to determine the policy suitable for your budget. In order to instantly find the most comprehensive policy with the most affordable premiums, you can get a quick car insurance quote from our authorised customer representatives by entering your details. By choosing the best motor insurance offer for your own needs, you can create security against damage risks. Policies with very low motor insurance fees should be examined in detail. Make sure that the point of contact is an authorised insurance agent / broker.

How is Comprehensive Kasko Insurance Calculated?

Factors such as the make, model, year of manufacture, licence plate of the vehicle are taken into account when calculating the kasko insurance prices. At the same time, the profession of your driving licence, the level of no damage affects the prices.

Whether you have been involved in an accident with your vehicle before is also an effective factor in the calculation of the car insurance price. At the end of a year without damage, you can get a no-claim discount when renewing your policy, and you can get your kasko insurance policy at a more affordable price.

One of the most important criteria in kasko insurance price calculation is the coverage. In addition to the main coverages such as collision and collision, you can add many additional coverages to your kasko insurance. For example, you can add mini repair, roadside assistance or voluntary financial liability additional coverage.

Kasko Insurance No Claim Discount Application

0: No-claims discount is not applied for the insured who takes out the kasko insurance policy for the first time.
1: 30% For the insured who has passed the first year without any damage, he/she is entitled to 30% no damage discount at the first kasko insurance renewal.
2: 40% For the insured who passes the second year without any damage, he/she is entitled to 40% no damage discount in the second year kasko insurance renewal.
3: 50% For the insured who has passed the third year without any damage, he/she is entitled to 50% no damage discount in the third year kasko insurance renewal.
4: 60% For the insured who has passed the fourth year without any damage, a 60% no-claim discount is applied in the fourth year kasko insurance renewal.

* The kasko insurance must be renewed every year for the application of the no-claims discount.
* In the event of an accident or damage, the car owner can benefit from a lower level of no-claims discount if the policy is cancelled.
* No-claims discounts vary according to insurance companies.

Kasko Discounts

Employed Institution Discount
Some corporates can offer discounts thanks to special collaborations. Depending on the corporate you work for, you can also benefit from additional discounts on kasko insurance called corporate discount.

Profession Discount
Insurance companies may provide discounts at different rates to some occupational groups according to their own preferences. If you are working in one of the professions such as teacher, district governor, governor, doctor, pharmacist, soldier, lecturer, accountant, judicial officer and civil servant, do not forget to ask your insurance representative to benefit from the occupational discount. You can get more detailed information about discounts by reviewing Enki Insurance offer details

No-Claims Discount
In order to obtain a no damage discount, the vehicle must not be damaged during the one-year insurance contract period.

Driver Discount
Drivers who meet certain criteria can benefit from a driver discount. Thanks to this coverage, your policy premium will decrease. Be sure to ask this question to your insurance company representative.

Frequently Asked Questions About Kasko Insurance

Change of ownership of vehicles is only possible through a notary sale. The title of ownership does not change for the vehicle without a notary sale. The contract made between the parties does not remove the responsibility of the seller.

How the damage payment will be made is explained in detail in the policies. If repairs are to be made, the policy states whether the repairs will be made at the services to be determined by the company or at the services to be determined by the insured. In addition, it is stated which of the part options such as original parts or equivalent parts will be used in the compensation of the damage.

Main coverages; Collision, fie damage, theft are the main coverages of the motor insurance.

Personal belongings coverage is valid for non-commercial items that the insured keeps with them in their daily lives. All kinds of jewellery, money, credit cards, cheques and notes and similar valuable documents, mobile phones, portable computers and similar devices and components and all electronic devices are not included in the coverage. For more accurate information, please see the scope of coverage in the details of the insurance policy you purchased.

As a result of an accident that may occur in the insured vehicle while the vehicle is in motion or parked, while the vehicle is being maintained or while getting in and out of the vehicle, the death, permanent disability and treatment costs of the persons inside the vehicle are covered under the limits and conditions specified in the policy.

In Kasko Insurance, as a general principle, the no-claims discount follows the vehicle owner. In this way, when you leave your old insurance company and take out a motor insurance policy with a different insurance company, your discount right continues. You will also continue to benefit from the discount when you sell your old vehicle and buy a new vehicle.

You can follow the record of your past kasko insurance policies and no-claims discounts on Tramer.

Yes, it continues, it is essential not to interrupt the insurance in order not to lose the no-claims discount right. The no-claims discount level in Kasko Insurance can be monitored online by all insurance companies through the Insurance Information and Surveillance Centre (Tramer).

No, when the vehicle changes hands, the kasko insurance policy does not tansfers. The policy is cancelled and the premium for the days that have not been processed is returned to the insured on a daily basis.

You can secure both yourself and your loved ones against damages that may occur in your vehicle with the additional coverages of Kasko insurance. These Coverages;

  • Overseas coverage
  • Natural disasters
  • Legal protection guarantee
  • Situations such as terrorism, war, state of emergency
  • Special item
  • Mini repair
  • Key loss
  • Guarantee against obsolescence
  • Rodent Cover
  • Incorrect refuelling
  • Cover for loss of use
  • Inflation coverage
  • Road Assistance Service
  • Flooding
  • Replacement vehicle
  • Assistance service
  • Damage to the towed vehicle by unauthorised persons
  • Key loss
  • Theft of the vehicle's master key
  • Optional Financial Liability
  • Personal accident seat

All rights, benefits and debts of the insured are transferred to the legal heirs. For the transfer of insurance, the heir must submit the certificate of inheritance to the insurance company.

Yes, you can issue a policy to your vehicle that has not yet been issued a licence plate through the temporary licence plate, the licence plate code of the province you are in and New Registration Number. When issuing Kasko Insurance for new vehicles without a licence, it is issued primarily on the basis of engine, chassis number, year, make and model.

When making a kasko insurance policy, it must be arranged according to the insurance price of your vehicle. In addition, if you have no previous damage, check the no-claim discount. Apart from these, it is useful to pay attention to the service selections, original spare parts coverage, vehicle model and year are written correctly in your policy. Finally, you should especially pay attention to fake websites.

Yes, there are 4 different types determined by the Turkish Insurance Association in Kasko Insurance. These are defined as kasko insurance, narrow kasko insurance, extended kasko insurance and full kasko insurance.

Every month, the vehicle value is determined by taking the Kasko Insurance Vehicle Value List published by the Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies of Turkey as a criterion.

Kasko Insurance provides coverage for material damages that occur in your own vehicle.

Traffic Insurance, on the other hand, is a compulsory insurance that covers material and bodily damages caused by your vehicle to the other party and third parties. Traffic Insurance covers only the damages caused to the other party and third parties and does not pay for the damage to your own vehicle. In this case, in order to cover the damage to your own vehicle, you must have Kasko insurance.

Vehicle insurance value is not specified on the policy. Insurance companies cover the vehicle up to its fair value as of the date of damage. In case of total loss damage, the market value is taken as basis. In case of damage, under/over insurance is not applied.

If the investigations to be carried out by the relevant authorities to find the stolen vehicle do not yield results within 30 days, the insurer pays the indemnity by obtaining an official letter from the relevant authority stating that the vehicle cannot be found. If the stolen vehicle is found following this payment, the insured is obliged to immediately notify the insurer in writing; the insured may take back the vehicle by returning the compensation received or transfer the ownership of the vehicle to the insurer.

There are important differences between contracted and non-contracted services.

You do not have to pay any fee for maintenance and repair at contracted services. All transactions take place between your insurance company and the service centre.

In services without a car insurance agreement, you as the vehicle owner must pay. In order to receive the payment made, it is requested from the insurance company with the invoice given from the service.

The accessories included in the factory original of the insured vehicle are automatically included in the coverage. Accessories that are not included in the factory original of the insured vehicle are not included in the coverage unless specified in the policy. Accessories (radio-tape, columns, steel wheels, special tyres, radios, telephones and other accessories) that are installed to the vehicle afterwards can be included in the coverage by specifying the insurance price, registering with the addendum and paying the premium.

In order for the kasko insurance to cover the theft of the vehicle key from home, you must have this coverage added to your policy. If the key of your vehicle is seized, stolen or attempted to be stolen from your home in the cases specified in the policy, it may be damaged. These damages are covered by your insurance company.

When you have an accident with your vehicle, you must notify the insurance company as soon as possible with a damage report. It is an important detail to take a photo of the vehicle at the place where the accident occurred while reporting the damage. If you forward the report kept by the parties to the accident to the insurance company, you will have made a damage report. Other documents required for a damage report are generally listed as follows:

  • Photocopy of insurance policy
  • Statement report
  • Eyewitness report
  • Accident report
  • Alcohol report
  • Photos showing the damage in the accident
  • Photocopies of the driving licence and registration of both you and the drivers of the vehicle
  • If your vehicle is pledged or mortgaged, the documents you need to get from the bank

However, different insurance companies may request different documents. For this reason, it would be best to call the insurance company before reporting.
