During the Covid-19 Period, Pregnant Women Should Pay Attention to..

Important Notice: The explanations are for informational purposes only and you can access current and detailed information at e-ikamet.goc.gov.tr.


During the Covid-19 Period, Pregnant Women Should Pay Attention to

As an e-ikametsigorta.com, we would like to share with you a few simple but important points that expectant mothers should pay attention to this week, especially during the pandemic period. When it comes to health, it is useful to read your Foreign Health Insurance for Residence and certainly its scope and conditions in detail and know your rights when necessary.

Pregnancy is dec the most special periods in the life of every expectant mother. Although this process, which will change our lives, is a source of excitement and happiness, it is a process that increases our responsibilities. This important process, in which we will experience great changes in our health and body, causes you to become more open to different ailments. Especially during the pandemic, it is imperative that women who are experiencing pregnancy pay more attention to themselves. Details that you should pay attention to when it comes to protecting against the virus during pregnancy

Attention to Hygiene

In order not to get a coronavirus infection during pregnancy, we need to pay serious attention to our personal hygiene and the cleanliness of our living space. Especially, it is extremely important that we choose the food and drinks we buy from outside from the bagged products, clean the bags with cologne or disinfectant after bringing them home, and keep them on the balcony for a while before consuming. We can take small bottles of disinfectants with us when going out on the street and wipe your hands with disinfectant when in contact with other people or places. One of the things we should pay attention to at this point is our skin health. Intensive use of disinfectants can lead to skin problems. Especially if the sensitivity experienced during pregnancy can make these cracks an even more serious problem. For this reason, you can use moisturizing creams and vaseline that will not harm your pregnancy, and you can prevent problems with your skin by applying a moisturizer after disinfection. By taking frequent showers and washing your clothes in high-temperature programs, we can also reduce the risk of coronavirus by ventilating our house tightly.

Restrict Your Social Relationships

The pregnancy process is a process in which we are more susceptible to diseases than ever before, and during this period we have a higher risk of contracting various infections, even if there is no danger of coronavirus.This probability increases even more with the risk of coronavirus during pregnancy, and if you do not act cautiously, it can cause you serious health problems. One of the most effective ways to avoid the Covid-19 virus while pregnant is by restricting your social relationships. We should not leave the house unless it is mandatory, we should definitely use a 3-ply surgical mask or visor when we go out, and we should pay close attention to social distancing. It is extremely important for us to take care that there is a distance of at least 1.5–2 meters from people around you, and not to have physical contact, to protect against the virus. We need to be careful, even against the people we know and trust; we must remember that coronavirus, many people can exist without showing any symptoms, and the carrier as defined in these individuals can make you seriously ill. If it is inevitable that we will have physical contact, disinfecting immediately after and offering cologne and disinfectant to our friends who come to visit you when you enter the door also helps us to protect our health.

Never Neglect Doctor's Checks

It is recommended that we see an obstetrician once a month during the first and second trimester of pregnancy and once every two weeks or a week during the third trimester and perform routine checks during the third trimester. Although many expectant mothers follow these recommendations, the number of people who neglect doctor's checks, especially those who want to stay away from hospitals due to the coronavirus, is quite large, unless they feel any problems. This behavior can be extremely dangerous. Your doctor can easily detect health problems and coronavirus infections that you have not noticed, and prevent diseases that may endanger your pregnancy before they start. For this reason, we should definitely neglect your routine doctor's checks during the pandemic period. In addition, if you notice symptoms such as high fever, weakness, nausea, loss of smell and taste in ourselves, it is of great importance that you inform your doctor immediately and that we have an examination.


E-ikametsigorta.com is an Online purchasing platform that offers foreign health insurance for residence. All your transactions are carried out in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Turkey. 

Best regards

E-İkamet Sigorta Team


Important Note; Carry out all your residence transactions yourself at https://e-ikamet.goc.gov.tr/, the official website of the Republic of Turkey. Be wary of sharing your personal information with third parties and intermediaries. Never

apply for residency outside of this site.

Tags: Insurance for Residence ; Foreign Health Insurance; Insurance for Foreigners; Health insurance for residence permit in Turkey; Residence Insurance; страховка длявнж в турции ; www.e-ikamet.goc.gov.tr; Foreigner Health Insurance ; Residence Insurance ; Residence Insurance ; Residence Insurance; İkamet insurance; Yabancı Sağlık Sigortası

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