Book Suggestions From Turkish Literature Part 2

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Hello our dear customers, in this week’s article we’ll suggest new books from Turkish literature.

 Tutunamayanlar by Oğuz Atay


According to most of the Turkish readers Tutunamayanlar is one of the most important works of Turkish Literature. The story goes like this: After Turgut Özben’s friend Selim Işık committed suicide, Turgut tries to trace the past of his friend, whom he thinks he neglected during he was alive, and to get to know him better through the people Selim knows. The image of Selim,whom everyone sees as a different side of him, will become more clear in the eyes of the reader and also Turgut. There are many people in the novel, but each of them is actually the people in Selim's life and all the stories illuminate Selim Işık. Selim Işık is the symbol of the "thinking and questioning person" and therefore he “failed”.

Çalıkuşu by Reşat Nuri Güntekin

In the novel, Feride, who is the daughter of a family from Istanbul, is betrayed by her beloved fiancé. Then she dedicates herself to teaching and wanders around Anatolia in order to survive. In addition to a love story with lots of melodrama, it deals with many issues such as bureaucracy criticism, women's struggle for existence in Ottoman society, and the execution of the teaching profession.

The story was adapted to films, television series, theater and ballet adaptations.

İçimizdeki Şeytan by Sabahattin Ali

İçimizdeki Şeytan (The Devil Inside Us) is a book which is about the results of making wrong choices because of the dilemmas that a person experiences in his inner world. In his novel, Sabahattin Ali describes the social pressure on people and the "trapped person" in life.

Here is a quote from the novel.

“There is no devil inside of us... there is weakness inside of us... There is laziness... There is will-less, ignorance and something more terrible than all of these: there is the habit of avoiding seeing the truths…”

“İçimizde şeytan yok... İçimizde aciz var... Tembellik var... İradesizlik, bilgisizlik ve bunların hepsinden daha korkunç bir şey: hakikatleri görmekten kaçmak itiyadı var…” 

Benim Adım Kırmızı by Orhan Pamuk 

Benim Adim Kirmizi (My Name is Red) is a novel by the famous author Orhan Pamuk, was published in 1998 and has been translated into more than 60 languages so far. Receiving the Impac Dublin Literary Award for Best Novel, Benim Adim Kirmizi is an outstanding novel especially for its unusual narrators and fantastic elements. In this novel, Orhan Pamuk tells the story with more than one narrator, who are mostly inanimate or intangible. The novel is about the miniaturists and painters, who are the creators of Turkish arts, and includes several philosophical discussions on the purpose of art and the differences between Islamic states and Western Europe.

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